Getting Started with an Online Coaching Business

Getting Started with an Online Coaching Business

If you are just starting with an online coaching business, or want to know the real secret behind why some online coaches are just crushing it... it comes down to having a SYSTEM!

And SYSTEM stands for:

Saves You Stress Time Energy & Money

The one system I use for my online coaching business is Kajabi - but before you check out their brand new 30 Day Coaching Accelerator, let me give you three tips for creating and growing an amazing online coaching business.

Show Up and Become More Visible

To scale a coaching business fast online today, the first thing to do is be seen and valued.

Create and share unique content that will serve others with what you know and how to fix their challenges in life before they even think about doing business with you.

Blogging, podcasts and even newsletters are all baked into Kajabi, so there is nowhere I need to go other than my Kajabi dashboard to create and publish this content to stay top of mind in front of my potential customers.

Create Irresistible Offers

When someone has a challenge, and they are looking for a coach to serve them, there are three things that they look for:

  1. Best practice strategies
  2. A community   ...and...
  3. Access to an expert coach.

Hands down, with the community feature, the ability to create amazingly engaging video lessons with downloads and worksheets, plus the ability to set up and book coaching sessions directly with me from inside their account, Kajabi handles everything for me! I can create a product and offer that people will fall over themselves to buy from me.

Build a Real Realstiohsip With Your Audience

TRUTH: People do business with those that they know, like and trust.

As a coach wanting to serve the world, you need to get to know your audience, and they need to get to know you.

With the ability to send regular emails, embed live stream events and even set up access to pre-recorded content, Kajabi enables any start-up coach to do this. You can create amazing looking emails, and landing pages can host an unlimited amount of video content. Setting up things like on-demand webinars is a breeze too.

All of these things enable you to build deeper relationships with your audience.

Click here to get a FREE Trial of Kajabi and join their 30 Day Coaching Accelerator programme today!



An watch this longer video with more tips...

  Join Ant on Instagram @ANTHODGES