Disclaimer, Marketing and Coaching Business Terms

It is assumed, by engaging in any training or coaching with Business Coach Ant Hodges, that you understand that Ant and any speakers, trainers or coaches presenting at any live event, online training event or in any pre-recorded training that I may attend or buy, do not believe in "get rich" programmes, systems or strategies. The firm belief and value shared by presenters and Ant Hodges is that through hard work, creating huge value in your marketplace, building a credible and professional career, and through the act of serving of other others with the highest level excellence and consistency possible, this is the only way to achieve the success in business that you seek.

You know that the programmes, events and products from Ant Hodges are intended to help you to increase your exposure to a greater audience, establish credibility as a leading expert in your niche, and create products and programmes for your own business that assist you in marketing, growing and scaling your business. Any training or coaching that your purchase, any programme that you enrol into or event that you attend, you know that it will require you to take serious action and a high level of implementation to achieve success from the things that you will learn.

If your search is for "quick riches" or "money for nothing" or "get rich quick" then you will not enrol, book or buy any product, programme or event ticket promoted by Ant Hodges.

Ant Hodges does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results, make or earn money with the ideas, information, tools or strategies presented. Your results are entirely down to your level of implementation and the skills you have to implement them correctly.

All distance led or group training products, events and services rendered by Ant Hodges are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing presented is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings. Ant Hodges does not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. No results or examples mentioned by Ant Hodges or by his clients or customers, are typical or should be expected as a reflection of your results. Any financial numbers referenced in any presentation, are used for illustrative purposes and as concepts only. You should not consider them as average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance.

Making decisions based on any information presented by Ant Hodges products, events, services, or website, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavour. You know that you must use caution and always consult your own accountant, lawyer, professional advisor or health professional who can speak into your situation directly, before acting on any information related to a lifestyle change or in relation to your business or finances.

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by agreeing to these terms, you will not attempt to hold Ant Hodges or any presenter, liable for my decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

Marketing and Coaching Business Terms

At checkout for any agreed project or coaching services, these terms will need to be accepted in full for work or services to commence. Your agreement is made between Ant Hodges and You on the date of your purchase for the purposes of delivering the agreed package as detailed on the checkout page:

Ant Hodges' Commitment:

1. The implementation services delivered will be as set out on this checkout page.

2. If included Ant Hodges will provide coaching and consultancy as part of a professional client relationship designed to facilitate the creation and development of personal, professional or business goals and assist in the development of a strategy/plan for moving towards those goals, together with agreed digital marketing support and implementation services.

3. Agreed contact before, after and during this agreement may include text message, WhatsApp, Skype, Email and any other method of communication agreed between You and Ant Hodges.

Your Commitment:

4. You agree to pay Ant Hodges the Fees as set out in this Agreement though the and all sales are considered final on commencement of any work by the Ant Hodges team, the start of your first coaching or consultancy session or by logging in and accessing any online content included within this purchase.

5. You agree to call or meet Ant Hodges at the specified times, showing up on time and understand that if You are late, this shortens your session by that time.

6. You agree to be honest and open, to believe in yourself and to adopt an enthusiastic and positive outlook on life from this moment onwards.

7. You are truly committed to change and agree to take responsibility for your life, your business, your choices and actions.

Coaching and Consultancy:

8. You enter into this Agreement with the full understanding that You are solely responsible for creating your own results when needed to implement anything for yourself or provide Ant Hodges with anything requested. You understand that achieving your goals (in whole or part) for results from marketing services or through personal development coaching services, cannot be guaranteed and no warranties are given.

9. You are aware that coaching and consultancy is not counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis or any other form of mental health care treatment or therapy, nor is it to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business or other qualified professionals.

10. If appropriate, You will seek independent professional guidance in the areas indicated in paragraph 9 (above) and You understand that all decisions and actions in these areas are Your sole responsibility no matter the outcome and there are no warranties granted for the guarantee of results as pert paragraph 8 (above).

Ethics and Confidentiality:

11. Ant Hodges is a fully accredited with the Master Coach APC & M Level 4 & 5 qualification through the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring

12. Any notes made by a member of the Ant Hodges team during any coaching or consultancy session or about You are kept confidential.

13. Ant Hodges will not use or disclose the information You share with any team member them during Your Sessions, except as authorized by You or as required by law.

14. You understand that on occasion your Ant Hodges team contact may anonymously share generalized information for marketing, training or consultation purposes with other Coaching professionals, clients or in a public forum. Your identity and any information that could lead to Your identification will remain entirely confidential. 


15. Any scheduled meeting, coaching or consultancy session may be refused if payment has not been made or any payment schedule falls into arrears as required by this Agreement.

16. Where it is necessary for either You or Ant Hodges to reschedule a meeting this will be done by phone or agreed other method of communication at least 72 hours before the scheduled time.

17. Missed meetings and coaching or consultancy sessions, which are not rescheduled in accordance the notice period detailed in paragraph 17, except in exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of Ant Hodges) will be unable to be rescheduled and cannot be rolled over into another scheduled timeframe. No refund or credit will be given for these scheduled appointments where You do not show up.

18. As detailed in paragraph 5, if You are late for any meeting, coaching or consultancy session, this shortens your appointment by that time and the session will complete at the scheduled time without overrun.

Termination and Continuation (Ongoing Services and Project Work):

19. You or Ant Hodges may cancel this Agreement in writing (by email or letter), giving at least 30 clear days notice before the next payment is due. In the event that you owe money to Ant Hodges at the time of cancellation, full payment will become immediately due at the time of cancellation. The current month that is paid will be completed and no further work from the end of that month will continue.

20. In the unlikely event that this Agreement is cancelled before all the work is completed or before all sessions and meetings that you have paid for, have been provided Ant Hodges will refund part of your payment, minus an agreed fee for meetings and any work completed. Any refund will be based on a decision by Ant Hodges and compared to the percentage of work completed and any associated administration charges. You will be informed of the amount you will be refunded on termination of this agreement.

21. Refunds will only be processed and taken from the last payment received within the last 30 days and not any subsequent payments due. Any previous payments past 30 days will have been considered acceptable and are not eligible for refunds.

22. Upon termination of this Agreement Ant Hodges shall cease to be liable to You in respect of the services detailed in this agreement from your purchase at the end of the current billing cycle. No refund for the current month will be made.

23. An offer for an extension to the agreed work may be offered in lieu of any refund or before a refund is requested. If accepted no further refund request will be accepted.

24. All refunded monies will be processed from the date at which an agreement on the amount due to be rounded is made, and will be credited back by the payment method made or an agreed alternative, within 30 days.

25. Unless extended with the agreement and issued with a further Agreement, this Agreement will terminate following the delivery of the final Coaching or Consultancy Session and when all work has been delivered.

26. For the continuation or extension to this Agreement, You will request this of your Ant Hodges by requesting the specific requirements needed.


27. In the event of You choosing to feel mental, physical or emotional distress (or related ailment or condition) which You believe to be related either directly or indirectly to the coaching or consultancy sessions You will not hold Ant Hodges or the Ant Hodges team member you are working with liable for any loss or cost incurred by you (or any person related to you). You will indemnify Ant Hodges and the Ant Hodges team member in the event of any such claim.

28. Except as expressly set out in this Agreement Ant Hodges will have no liability to You. This Agreement reflects the entire agreement and understanding between You and Ant Hodges regarding the matters in this Agreement.

Additional Notes - For coaching and consultancy sessions:

  • Your intent to change and desire for change will be serious.
  • You will make every effort to ensure You are at your peak mental, physical and emotional state for each Session.
  • You are ready to work and receive feedback. You are willing to try new ways of learning, be honest and open, keep to your commitments and inform Ant Hodges tor a team member immediately when things are not working for you.
  • You are willing to explore, challenge and change thoughts, feelings and actions that you recognize as self-defeating.
  • You understand Ant Hodges will be focused on you and your best interests as a whole, not just your goals.
    You are willing to give any Ant Hodges team member the benefit of the doubt and wholeheartedly try new concepts or different ways of doing/approaching things.
  • You recognize the value and worth of yourself and the investment you are making in your personal development, business development and marketing success.
  • You understand the need to plan the relationship ending in advance to allow for a degree of closure and wrap-up.