It Isn't Enough to Just Have Knowledge

Early in my career as a digital marketer, certified Mastercoach and marketing geek, I felt isolated and stuck. I was just a guy sitting in a shed in my garden at the time, trying to make this whole online business thing work. Yes, at times, I saw some success and grew my team, took offices, and started to grow the agency side of the business.

You see, most people’s challenges were all about implementation – and implementing the right thing that would work for their business.

The Allure of the Guru Blueprint

Training that you can buy may give you some level of “blueprint” for success, but often that is just a blueprint for how that “guru” grew their own business. Your business, my business, and everyone else's business are different. You are different, and more than likely, the people you attract into your business are going to be different from that blueprint seller – so, 9 times out of 10, it won’t work out of the box.

After a while, I started to think, from the 20+ years of implementing strategies to help people grow an online business, what was it that I did that actually helped people get the result they were after?

I knew I had the knowledge because I was implementing with my team. I knew that I could share it and could make a massive difference to others, yet I struggled to connect with the right people.

Maybe I was too young, too "green" in the industry. Maybe it was because I couldn’t sit there and say “I made $1million overnight and I can show you how” …or something else… who knows?

But let me tell you something, in May 2023, it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I attended a conference called Kajabi Hero Live in Austin Texas (click here to find out what Kajabi is). When I rocked up, walked into the hotel, and walked up to the bar, there was a group of people I had never met. Some I had made connections with online in various groups, but there were some strangers in the group.

Impact on a Global Scale Without Realising It

As I went up to the bar, one person tugged at my arm and I turned around to see the beaming smile of a 57-year-old woman who proceeded to tell me that when she bought my online training back in 2017, it changed her life forever. "You helped me retire myself and my husband" she told me. "Your training was the foundation I built my business on" and to this day she has built a 7-figure online business teaching people how to decorate cakes. And when she told me that it was also a time when she lost her husband to an illness, the business gave them a couple of years together that they would not have been able to have. They had time outside of busy jobs to enjoy their final years together, plus the extra time freedom she still has today to spend time with her family now that she is unwell also. She is able to work just a few hours per week on her business and not worry about money any more. This spurs me on. I knew that I wanted to want to get back in the saddle and help others around the world.

This lady bought from me over six years ago and still puts her success down to the foundations I helped her establish. After gaining access to my online training, she never showed up to any of my online calls, but she did complete all the online training. We had never spoken personally, and I never knew the impact that my training had. And I had literally only sold a few 100 courses at that time.

The global reach of my training was further than I thought. Many others stopped me at the same event to say "Hi" and grab a selfie as they had consumed my free content, attended webinars, done 5-day challenges with me and chatted to me inside the famous Kajabi User Group on Facebook.

Diligently I had served a community over the years (and still do today), yet I never realised the level of impact that my contributions made. For me, right now, as I write this, I know deep down inside, that it isn't enough to just have knowledge. You need to find a platform to share it, to interact, teach others, and see others grow.

In-person sessions, meet-ups, and training events are a core of what I do in my business and they play a HUGE part in how I know I am called to build community and invest in others – this is one platform for me - particularly after a few years of the whole world not being able to meet in person. I love what I do with live events you can even click here to see the London Meet-Up’s that I run and my Next One Day Training Event in my hometown that I have some coming up soon.

Driving Forward With Online Content

Having said that though, I know that I can invest time in creating something for those who want to learn, wherever they are in the world – they don’t just have to show up to live in-person events. With ONLINE COURSES and DIGITAL PROGRAMMES I know I can reach the world with my knowledge and see lives and businesses transformed – just like the clients that we are helping do exactly the same thing in my agency with done-for-you services.

The sense of fulfilment I have gained from knowing that I have changed lives/businesses is a privilege, and a privilege to stand in this space.

My 6-Figure Expert Business Program has opened doors and we are accepting Earlybird registrations right now – the program starts in September and runs for 12 weeks together. It's where I focus on equipping you to stand out, create offers people want, and master the art of selling your knowledge online.

The Earlybirder discount of $500 for this upcoming class is only available for a short period of time. If you are interested in joining, click here and claim your discount right now before it expires.

Ant's Final Thought:

We all have knowledge that we can share, that will transform lives. You’ll never really know the level of impact that you can have, but the one thing I do know, locking your knowledge away and not sharing it with the world won’t help anyone. Join my 6-Figure Expert Business Program and I will show you how you can make the difference you’re called to and make an income doing it online also.

  Join Ant on Instagram @ANTHODGES